It is very important for parents/guardians to have a complete understanding of the educational growth and ability of your child in school.  For this reason, parent-teacher conferences are scheduled both in the fall and spring.  Each conference is scheduled for 20 minutes. We ask that PreK-6 parents schedule a conference with their homeroom teacher, while 7th/8th-grade conferences are held as team meetings by grade level. Conferences will be held in person unless the parent requests a virtual conference. To request a video or telephone conference, please contact the office.  Instructions are available on the scheduling portal for these requests.

The schedule for conference dates will be:

            Wednesday, November 6th, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 pm 

            Thursday, November 7th, 12:00 p.m. -  7:00 pm

Sign-ups for parent-teacher conferences will be all online and hosted through PTCfast.  

Our SHS PTCs portal will open at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 21, 2024. 

Please visit the following link to sign up for a preferred time/date:

Families with multiple students will need to sign up for each child’s conference separately. If you prefer to have additional staff member(s) present at your child’s conference (such as Nurse, Art, PE, LEAPS/JUMPS, Music, Library, Speech, TAG, Guidance Counselor, and/or Social Worker), please notify your student's teacher.  We will do our best to honor these requests.  Every effort will be made to stay within the twenty-minute time allotment set aside for each parent, so your promptness would be appreciated.  Please sign up for an appointment by November 1st.